Top 5 new releases for January 2025

Top 5 new releases for January 2025

1.     Nesdam – Find The Truth
If you like good Christian hard rock then I highly recommend checking out Nesdam and listening to their new Find The Truth. They released the album on January 17th. It’s the band’s first album and absolutely rocks.

2.     The Chilling Alpine Adventure – Self Titled
Jessy Ribordy, one of the founding members of Falling Up started The Chilling Alpine Adventure and released their first album. If you were a fan of Falling Up back in the early 2000’s then might really enjoy listening to this band because it’s Falling Up but new / rebranded. The sound of the Album is indie rock inspired.

3.     Two Sides by Blvds and Righteous Vendetta
Righteous Vendetta is back with an awesome jazz rock metal collaboration with Blvds. Both Righteous Vendetta and Blvds are fronted by Ryan Hayes.

4.     Memphis May Fire – Overdose. Featuring Blindside
Memphis May Fire dropped their new single Overdose featuring veteran Christian post-hardcore band Blindside. It’s an explosive track and explores themes of inner battles, addiction, and redemption. It’s a great collaboration between two incredible bands.

5.     Rend Collective – Fight for my Life.
A great indie worship inspired song from an awesome band.

Album Review: Find The Truth by Nesdam

Nesdam Find The Truth Album Review

If you’re looking for some new hard rock music to listen to then I recommend you check out the newest Christian hard rock artist Nesdam. Although you might not have heard of Nesdam, the lead singer is no stranger to the hard rock scene. Patrick Madsen, the former drummer of Random Hero, and lead singer of Nesdam, released their debut album Find The Truth on January 17th. Nesdam is signed to Brian “Head” Welch’s label XOVR Records.

Find The Truth is a blend of aggressive hard rock songs and melodic ballads that keep the listener engaged from start to finish. The album features plenty of heavy guitar riffs, hard hitting drums and aggressive in your face vocals that hook the listener. The opening track “Sad Soul” opens with a guitar riff and scream that immediately grabs your attention and doesn’t let up.

The album dives into several relatable themes about life, faith and the struggles that we face. Each song on the album is expertly crafted, has its own unique aggressive style and takes the listener on a journey through lyrics that are narratively and thematically interesting. Tracks like “The Dawn,” “Manipulator,” and “The Hill” are musically aggressive and lyrically insightful. “The Hill” explores themes such as pain and suffering and overcoming life’s challenges through faith. It emphasizes the power and impact that sin has on us and that turning to Christ is the only way forward. Another great song on the album, “Plastic Crown” examines the impact that a false king like Satan, can have on each of us but putting our hope in Jesus, the true king, can be much more rewarding and have eternal impact on our lives.

Overall, I think that Find The Truth is a solid debut album that blends a number of modern hard rock styles together. It showcases the creative artistry and musicianship that Patrick Madsen and his fellow band members have. Not only is Find The Truth an energetic and aggressive rock album that comes out swinging but it also establishes Nesdam as a band with massive potential in the Christian hard rock music scene. I think if you’re a fan of bands like Spoken, The Protest, or Seventh Day Slumber, you will enjoy what Nesdam brings to the table. Find The Truth is an excellent album and Nesdam is a great addition to the Christian hard rock music scene. I’m excited to see and hear what Nesdam does next.



Life is Like an Old Pair of Cowboy Boots.

I recently bought a pair of old cowboy boots. Surprisingly they fit almost perfectly except for the left boot’s insole. I guess that I need to breathe a bit of life back into them and buy some new insoles.

Growing up in Minnesota my family owned several horses and was involved in horse culture. As a family, we did all the trail riding, 4H events and rodeos that we could. I always enjoyed camping and making memories with family and friends. One of the coolest things we did as a family was take a summer cross country road trip to the mountains of Colorado to ride horseback on some switchbacks. We spent the better part of two weeks camping and trail riding in Gunnison, Colorado. It was an incredible experience with some absolutely beautiful views.

To be perfectly honest, I never wanted to be a part of horse culture. It was just something I did as a kid. There have been and continue to be many more things that interest me. But looking back, I find value in the experience of growing up with and riding horses and now living in The Cowboy State.

As I sit here looking at these old cowboy boots and reflecting on my own cowboy experiences, I am reminded that life has many journeys and often resembles old cowboy boots. When you first take those boots out of the box you notice the aroma of the hand stitched genuine leather. As you run your hands along the surface, you notice that they’re smooth, scuff free exterior and full of potential. You could conquer any challenge or climb any mountain with them.

When you put those new boots on and take those first few steps, you discover that they don’t fit the greatest and cause some pain and discomfort. Similarly, the road of life isn’t always paved as smoothly as we had hoped and causes some pain and discomfort. Sometimes the road has worn away and formed holes that cause us to stumble. The unexpected detour, challenges and the storms of life can impact and leave us feeling bitter, frustrated or even afraid.

One of my favorite passages in the bible is Mark 4:35-41. In this passage, Jesus gathers up the disciples after witnessing to a crowd of people. They take a boat to cross to the other side of the sea. As they travel across the sea, the weather becomes violent and causes the waves to crash against the boat leaving the disciples feeling alone and afraid for their lives.

In their fear, the disciples awake Jesus and ask “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Just as they ask this Jesus awakes and rebukes the waves saying “Peace. Be Still.” The wind and the waves become calm, and Jesus asks “Why are you so afraid? Have you no faith?” The disciples turned to one another and asked, “Who then is this that even the wind and the sea obey him?” The disciples knew what it meant to go on an adventure. They gave their lives to following Jesus.

I like this passage for two reasons. The first is because the Disciples are relatable and show genuine emotion. It shows that these men were truly afraid for their lives. Just like the Disciples, in the midst of a storm, we become afraid, feel overwhelmed and panic. The second reason why I love this passage is because it shows the Disciples actively going to Jesus and asking him to calm the storm. You see the Disciples realize that they lack faith and trust in Jesus and change their hearts and actions.

On the journey of life, much like those new cowboy boots, we experience both joy and pain. As we move from desert valley to mountaintop we encounter many successes, and disappointments. Over time and after countless adventures, those once polished and new cowboy boots begin to fade. The heels wear down and the dirt reveals the scuffs. Similarly, the trials of life can often erode our zest for life and reveal some scuff marks, leaving us with wounds and experiences. At the same time, much like those worn-out old cowboy boots, the trials and challenges we face, become a testament to who we are as individuals.

Just as the boots mold to the shape of the wearer's feet, the trials of life mold us into the men and women God created us to become. Every trial, each misadventure, and every heartache are a learning experience that allows us to either reject or draw closer to God. The creases and cracks in the leather reflect the resilience we develop along the way, proving that we can withstand the tests that come our way.

In Jeremiah 18, God speaks to Jeremiah and says that his people are like unfired clay. When we enter the potter’s house, we learn the difference between fired clay and unfired clay. Fired clay refers to clay that has been shaped, heated in a furnace, and become ceramic. Under extreme heat it hardens and takes the shape of the potter’s desired object or tool like a pot or a bowl. Unfired clay is still in its soft and moldable form. Potters refer to this type of clay as Plastic because it can be continuously shaped and reshaped. Similarly, I think that the trials and difficulties in life that we face are opportunities to be continuously molded and shaped by God.

Much like the cowboy stories of old, the lives we live become tales of adventure and the trials we face are the details of a greater story. One that points to our creator. Similarly, to how each scuff and imperfection on those old cowboy boots tells a unique story, the wounds and scars we carry hold the memories of the past and allow us to gain wisdom from experience. And just as an old pair of cowboy boots never truly loses its value, our lives hold meaning and purpose that endures beyond the years.

Even though the road might be bumpy, difficult at times and filled with challenges, it is through these trials and experiences that strengthen our relationship with Jesus and reveal our character. No matter how deep the scratches on your cowboy boots are or what storm you’re facing in life, remember that the potter is still molding you and that those new cowboy boots will fit. Trust God with your worries and know that your trials, however big or small, will be for his glory. Embrace the journey.




Weekend Adventures

Over the weekend, I was feeling a little restless. I wanted to take a small trip and get out of Laramie after a long week. I decided to drive south of Laramie and ended up driving to Colorado. After a bit of time I ended up in The Red Feather Lakes area. Let me tell you it’s a gorgous area. I’m sure in the fall it’s abolutely beautiful. Here are a few pictures I took while on my mini adventure.