One Year In

Living in a small town is tough sometimes. Not a lot of opportunities. So you have to make your own. On December 29th 2017, I decided to sign up and start driving for Lyft. Then in August of 2018 I started driving for Uber. Let me tell you. Its been an interesting experience. I have met a lot of different people. I have met a wide range of people that I am sure are addicted to some drug and living paycheck to paycheck and others who are probably the smartest people who have a giant house, an expensive car and everything they could ever ask for. I think I have given close to a thousand rides between two ride share apps in a little over a year. Its been a fun experience but one that doesn’t pay big bucks in a small town like Laramie Wyoming but rather stories. I think stories are far more important than money. Sure stories cant pay my rent but they allow me to build relationships with people. If I wanted to I could move anywhere and start driving for Uber and Lyft in a bigger city like Denver or Seattle and make enough money to live a comfortable life. I could probably pay off my debt in a short amount of time. But that’s not what I am pursuing at the moment. Right now I am pursuing my education so that one day I can move to a bigger city, get married, start a family, start a business and travel the world. One day I hope to change the world. One day I hope I can impact the world in a way that matters. I’m not sure what that looks like but I am taking baby steps towards my ideas and dreams. Right now I hope I can change peoples lives that simply need a ride three blocks.

Currently listening to Not Afraid to Die by Written By Wolves.