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A look at online dating... The good, the bad and the ugly.

The Best and Worst Dating Apps, Websites and Why.

The Three Best Dating Apps / Websites

1.     Match

2.     eHarmony

3.     Hinge


Match is one of the better platforms for people looking for a relationship. They have quality people that are using their platform. They have so many great filters that work. They have a solid user base with many profiles that are real and genuine. If you’re looking for a dating service, I highly recommend They have good customer service, and their reps are respectful. The number of fake accounts is far less than others on this list and people seem to want to be there.


Overall, I think eHarmony is pretty good. They have a number of quality users that are actually interested in finding a relationship and actually fill out their accounts. They have filters that work and have a compatibility score that helps you determine if you and a match would actually work. eHarmony does have a few users that haven’t logged in and some that are fake / catfish / spammy accounts, but they allow you to report and remove these accounts with no issues. I haven’t had a need to contact their customer service because in my opinion their website works like it should. The one drawback is that eHarmony is a bit expensive. They are the most expensive dating service but do give you deals. If you’re paying for eHarmony, then you will


I think Hinge is one of the better options out there for online dating because it’s designed differently than the others. First takes the idea of swiping and turns it on its head. It gives people to like people by pressing a heart or disliking by pressing the x button. It allows people to use prompts and filters that work better than most websites or apps. There are a number of people that stack the filters and showing up in everyone’s match que. In a world of hook ups and algorithms that don’t work, hinge comes across as unique and usable. You can quickly make an account and fill out your profile in under 10 minutes and you can add more or less information depending on what your view of living in a digital world is.

The Three Worst Dating Apps / Websites

1.     Christian Mingle

2.     Tinder

3.     POF

Christian Mingle

I have put Christian Mingle on the worst list for several reasons. They are an evil company that has serious predatory practices that runs deep. First, their platform is mediocre at best. Like most dating apps / websites you can like a person but in order to actually talk to someone and build a relationship with someone you have to pay for their service. Paying for a dating service is not a big deal but Christian Mingle is cheaper than others but for the price of their service they lack in quality of matches and lacks a number of features that other apps and website use to their advantage.

Secondly, for a dating platform that claims to be Christian, they attract a number of people that aren’t religious, don’t attend church, don’t have a relationship with Jesus or people that don’t have a Christian community. As a Christian these are things that I look for. I want to meet someone that is active in their faith and seeking to grow.

Third, Christian Mingle is filled with fake and spammy accounts. They have so many that if you report these accounts the customer service people start creating more fake accounts that you either have to report or block. If you report too many accounts, they begin to limit your accounts features and ability to stand out. In addition, Christian Mingle boasts that they have a large user base. At 15 million people, they have a massive user base. The problem with this is that it’s a lie. They may have that amount of people that have made those accounts, but I have seen hundreds if not thousands of accounts that haven’t been logged into for 3-12 months and I have seen hundreds of if not thousands of accounts that are fake or not authentic. The not authentic accounts are accounts that are people that claim to be Christian but have no real relationship.

Fourth, they have terrible customer service. I have reached out to their customer service people on several occasions to help solve my issues with their service and they respond with generic responses. They have been unhelpful and told me to stop reporting fake accounts. If I have reported or blocked too many accounts, they kick me out and log me out of their service.

Fifth, their features and filters are terrible. They have okay filters that barely filter people out. If you live in a small town and are forced to set the distance filter to 500+ then you start seeing people that live outside of The United States. This is a problem if people don’t want to have long distance relationships with someone that doesn’t live within the states. Dating long distance can be expensive. Dating on an international level would be extremely expensive and isn’t for everyone. They don’t have verified profiles. The lack of verified profiles is a concern to many in this day and age. Is the person on the other end of the conversation real or not? How are we as regular and paid users supposed to know the person on the other end isn’t catfishing or using a fake name or even hiding important information like being married or in a relationship? I have seen many accounts that appear to be real, and users have recently signed in but if I social media stock them it turns out they are in either relationships or are married. This is not okay and causes me to raise an alarm on Christian Mingles service. Users that are in relationships and or married that use Christian or other dating apps / websites are liars, cheats and fake people that don’t care about the wellbeing of others. These individuals that have accounts are people that are untrustworthy and don’t deserve to be in a relationship. In addition, Christian Mingles photo algorithm is atrocious and compresses peoples already compressed photos. The photo algorithm allows blurry, out of focus and badly cropped photos. In online dating the photo matters. If you want to check out a person’s other photos you are unable to because you aren’t a paid member. You have no other way to tell if the person you’re interested in is a fake profile unless you pay for the service. Members are also not verified.


POF which stands for Plenty of Fish is an app and website that really doesn’t add much to the culture of dating. They have plenty of fake profiles and users that are catfishing or scamming. This platform lacks quality, user friendliness and simply shouldn’t exist. Many users haven’t logged into their accounts in a number of weeks or months.


Let’s face it. Tinder is a cesspool of individuals that want to use you for sex and pleasure. When Tinder first dropped on the app store, I decided to check it out because I was curious. There were a few nice people on there that wanted to build meaningful relationships but there was a lot more people that just wanted to hook up and not develop any real relationship. There is nothing redemptive about this app and people should steer clear of it if they want to find any meaningful relationships. Tinder has caused our entire generation / world to have an unhealthy view relationship and we need to end this way of thinking. Tinder has caused a whole generation of people to want instant gratification in their dating lives when in reality it’s better to develop and build a relationship from the ground up. It’s better to lay a foundation down and build a structurally sound building with whoever we are dating. Instant gratification within dating is causing so much harm to relationships and needs to stop.

Finally, using dating apps and websites is not for everyone. If you aren’t a fan of it that’s fine but I have met many people that have had success. Some people aren’t good at the online thing. Be sure to show some grace. If someone responds to you and you are interested respond back and actively engage with their questions. Don’t be afraid to ask the questions that you want to know. Just like it takes two to tango it also takes two to date and fall in love. Lastly, my suggestion is if you’re going to use Match, eHarmony or Hinge or any of these apps / websites then make sure to fill out your profile fully and be specific with what you’re looking for. If you won’t do long distance relationships, then state that. If you only date people that are in your city, then say that as well. If your allergic to cats or dogs or don’t drink alcohol, then be up front about that. It’s important to be genuine and authentic with online dating. Use pictures that aren’t cropped weird, blurry, or out of focus. Don’t use tik tok or Instagram filter pictures as your main picture. Its not genuine and makes your profile look fake. Respond to people that you are interested in and if you begin to date someone and become exclusive then delete your profile. If in three months you break up, then you can always sign up again. The digital world is filled with scammers, fakes, liars, cheats and catfisher’s that want to use you, hurt you and take advantage of you, but you have the power to report and block these accounts without a customer service saying that you’re using their service wrong. If you’re at all curious about online dating give it a try. You never know who you will meet or if you will find that man or woman God has for you if you don’t try.




Where do we go from here?

This past week, I like many others, saw something incredibly disturbing. We as a nation and world witnessed the radicalization and mobilization of a domestic group that has imbedded itself in politics, society, and our culture. I think this group has been here for a while now. This groups purpose was to disrupt, cause strife and divide the country in a way that has never been seen before. This group disguised themselves as sheep and paraded around like good and decent humans until they were given the signal. Much of the chaos over the last year has been a result of a great evil that has engulfed our communities and nation.

Whatever you believe politically, whatever God you pray to or don’t. let us agree on one thing. This group of people that attacked and infiltrated the capital are a plague that was sent here to destroy our country like a swarm of locusts that devour a field of crops in the summer. This was chaos and should be condemned across the board. Call it what you want but this act of violence and destructive behavior was evil. The vile, evil filth that took over the U.S. Capital in D.C. earlier this week should be held fully accountable for their destructive actions, labeled criminal, and should suffer the full extent of the law. I believe that not all Trump supporters are bad people just like I do not believe all Biden supporters are bad people. There are too many kind and genuine people in this world to just write everyone off as simply bad. I know there are many good, kind, and decent people that support their respective candidates because of deeply held beliefs. On both sides of the political aisle, we have very contrasting viewpoints but that doesn’t make any of us bad. That doesn’t make anyone better than the other. Maybe we are simply misguided and misinformed as a whole. We live in a world where good and evil exist. If we continue to put our faith in human leaders, we will continue to be disappointed by their actions and behavior because they’re simply human and deeply flawed.

Additionally, over the last decade or more, I have noticed a startling trend in America. I have noticed that we as Americans, across different religions, races and political and social cultures are so quick to judge and cast the first stone. We point out people’s flaws, issues and don’t account for our own. We are quick to shame and reject those that think and act differently than ourselves. We are so quick to end relationships with lifelong friends and family members because of our differences, our inability to set aside those differences and our deep seeded disagreements. This is sad. This is segregation and is evil. Plain and simple. So many people are becoming hostile towards loved ones and spewing their vile venom all because they disagree and believe they are superior. Personally, I would much rather continue to build relationships with people that don’t agree with me because it shapes and influences both people to live better. Personally, I don’t know everything and I’m always willing to listen so I can learn. Building relationships with people you disagree with challenges each of us to set aside our differences and respect each other. I think there is value in our differences. Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

Respect, kindness, and love are missing from the world today. This is an unfortunate consequence of sin. The complete lack and removal of these qualities is reckless, disgusting and causes an abundance of harm to all of us. This is something that breaks my heart and I’m sure it breaks Christs heart infinitely more. I see so much division, hate and hostility among friends, family, neighbors, and community members because of different political beliefs, different religious beliefs, and different social and cultural views on the world. I see so many people pointing the finger and causing intentional division rather than trying to be united. I see so much unkindness in our words and actions, both online and offline, towards one another rather than loving one another and being genuine, kind, and gracious. This has consumed our hearts, our minds, and our culture and will not end well. I see so many people that are divided over political, cultural, and social issues and unwilling to talk it out peacefully and respectfully because they believe that their viewpoint is the superior and correct viewpoint. What a shame.

I see so many people that are unwilling to work together and help one another solve simple solutions, pick someone up when they have fallen and extend a helping hand. The world is filled with people that are struggling to pick themselves up and move past the burdens and the situations that hold them down. I am deeply disappointed in the way we as individuals, within our local communities, and we as nation treat each other despite our differences. Everyone across the board is disrespectful and eager to shove it down someone’s throat. We should be ashamed of ourselves with how we are acting as a country and looked at among the rest of the world. I don’t think Jesus would act like this. I know he wouldn’t. But I think he would radically call all of us out on our sin and speak truth in all of our lives.

I am sick and tired of the vile, morally reprehensible, and destructive words, behavior, and actions of the those on the right, left and center. Those who are liberal or conservative. Those who lead us in our respective communities and lead us as a nation. Those that oppose each other over our differences. Those who stand in front of us on Sunday. Those who influence us on Social Media. Those in the media. Those who believe they are right, just and without sin. Those who claim to know Christ. Those who don’t. I am sick of the hatred, division, and bitterness for one another. It’s unamerican, un-Christlike, downright despicable and is purely evil whether you’re a Christian or not. We, as Christ followers, are better than this. We as Americans are better than this. We deserve each other’s respect. This destructive way of life needs to stop. No, it needs to end before we destroy ourselves and our way of life.

I think we as humans have every right to disagree with one another. We as Americans and Christian’s have every right to think differently than one another. But we as people, Men and Women, Black and White, Christian, and not, republican or democrat, straight or gay, do not have the right to treat each other with disrespect, hostility, and bitterness. We need to come together and be united in our differences. We need to overcome and set aside what sets us apart in our differences and rebuild our communities, country, and way of life. We need to be Christ like first. Secondly, we need to be The United States of America not The Divided States of America. If we aren’t careful, we will become later. If all we do is fight amongst ourselves, point our fingers and mock each other we will never be able to accomplish anything as individuals or as a country.

So where do we go from here? What do we as Christians, individuals, leaders in our families, communities and as a nation do moving forward? The honest answer is, I don’t know. I don’t know what the future holds, and my mind runs blank with no good answer except to tell you that we need to pray. I think that’s the most honest, simplest and the easiest answer that I have. We must be praying without ceasing for our friends, families, communities, leaders, the nation, and our world because praying in the spirit of God is going to radically shape and influence those who are near and far from us. Praying and asking Jesus to heal us, our communities, our nation, and our world is going to be far more impactful than anything else. We should be praying that the truth of the Gospel of Christ can infiltrate, influence, and deeply impact the hearts and minds of those that don’t believe and those who have distanced themselves from Christ.

Lastly, I think we need to love each other regardless of our disagreements and inequalities. The lack of love among the different political parties, religious beliefs, friends, family members and we as Americans is sad and disappointing. I think we should be more accepting and loving of one another. Love is talked about abundantly in the Bible. In fact, the Bible mentions Love a total of 538 times in the NIV translation. Maybe we should love our neighbors like Christ loved us. Maybe we should show love to those who oppose, disagree, and persecute us as much as those who are for us, agree with us and call us friends.

As a Christian, I believe that Jesus came to this earth and died for the sinners, the saints, the criminals, the murders, the politicians, the poor, the rich, the democrats, the republicans, the liberals, the conservatives, the socialist crowd, the MAGA crowd, the weak and the strong. Every single one of us. Jesus doesn’t care who your are or what you have done. He would accept you, all of your flaws and all of your burdens. But it comes at a high cost. You have to die to yourself and repent of the sin within your heart. Sound simple? Yeah. But it’s extremely difficult because you have to do it every day. You have to seek Christ with all of your heart, mind, and soul. Also It’s far more than just religious rules and laws. It’s about a relationship and being apart of the kingdom of God. A relationship with the God who created you is the most important part of life. If you’re reading this, I believe that Jesus is calling your name. He is willing to accept you for you and has opened his kingdom to you. All you need to do is ask and allow him to embrace you with his love and grace.